Find Public Domain Images

Here we have assembled links for public domain image sites that you can search to find material for your calendars and art collages. 

We only support the use of images described as in the public domain, or which the owners have given permission for the public to use, which are to be used in a home craft project of creating a personally designed calendar or art collage, and not for sale. 

It is the user's responsibility to verify whether the images are in fact in the public domain, and free for them to use in such a home craft project.  It is the user's responsibility to determine if the images featured at the links below may legally be used as such.  This list is offered as reference material for the user's search.

This page will be a continual work in progress.  Our goal is to categorize the links coherently, and to provide some useful commentary on them.  We'll strive to feature links that we feel contain a decent percentage of images that folks would actually want to use for a project like this.  Hopefully, thereby we can help reduce search time for you.

Geared toward multimedia usage for website owners and bloggers, this site can be used to search for public domain images.  Impressive.  You could do some amazing projects for private home use with material gathered via this site. 

This is the most extensive categorized list we've found.  Very little information is provided on what's to be found at the listed sites, though.  Expect to sift through a lot of material that ultimately isn't what you're looking for.

This site does a pretty good job of describing what sort of content is available at each site on its list.  That's a time saver.

Lists and describes various sites and resources for public domain material.  Intended for website owners and bloggers.  Has some very useful links.

A resource to find public domain images.  It's not a search engine per se, but rather links you to various sites when you enter a search term.  This can help if you have something fairly specific in mind. 

Contains links to Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary (1876) which has a lot of very finely drawn illustrations that are fascinating.  There's a link to a German calalog of bird drawings from the 19th century which is pretty good. (If 19th century bird drawings are your thing, you might yet find some that you like better elsewhere, however).  Also linked is the David Rumsey Map Collection, which is extraordinary.  This is old stuff and obviously it's not going to fit into certain styles of decor.  The sites that we've mentioned here have high quality images.

There are some great collections linked from this site.  Definitely worth a browse.   

Duke University's excellent collection of over 9000 images documenting the birth of the advertising industry in America.  Great stuff.

This site has some fairly good wildlife photos, but near as we can tell it's pretty much up to you to enter a search keyword or phrase and see what you get.

This site has some pretty good wildlife photography. 

An awe-inspiring collection of space photography taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.